Now that I have just a little more time, I thought I would clue you all in as to how this baby came to join us!
On Thursday, February 28th I had gone to the bathroom and thought it seemed unusual…I thought my water had broken but I wasn’t sure. It wasn’t a whole lot, so I called the doctor and they told me to just keep an eye on it and see if that’s what it really was and to call them back in a few hours. Well, it started happening a little more, so they told me to go ahead and come in. I called Robby and had him come home (he was more than happy to have to skip his Hebrew class) and we packed up the car and left.
We got to the doctor and were in his office, sitting in his nice chairs, waiting on him, and I felt more water coming…as I stood up out of the chair to prevent it from getting wet, it was as if the flood gates opened. Robby saw the whole thing happen, and describes it as if someone dumped a huge bucket of water down the back of my jeans. It was definitely official. My water had broken. So there I go, waddling down the hallway in the doctor’s office, with everyone laughing (including myself) and then they sent me on to the hospital. I got checked in at about 6 pm and just waited…and waited…My contractions hadn’t started and I was wondering if I was ever going to start the labor process. The bad thing was, that since my water had broken, they wanted to make sure the baby was out within 24 hours, to keep him safe…
From the time my water broke, I waited about 5 hours for a contraction. This was precious labor time that I didn’t have to waste! (A C-Section was not part of my birth plan!) When they finally came they were very slow, and I ended up having to have a small dose of Pitocin. By about 3 in the morning my contractions were coming more and more and I was still only about 4 cm dilated. They backed me off the pitocin because I was already exhausted and I needed a break from it. I caved and got a little bit of Stadol, so that I could rest a little in between contractions. (Though it didn’t get rid of the pain, it was nice to get even the tiniest relief, since I wasn’t going for the epidural.) Trey was very stubborn. There was a point that the doctor said we might have had to do a C-Section, but thankfully we didn’t have to. When things finally progressed, I got stuck at 9.75cm dilated for about 30 minutes. Who does that? It was terrible because I had the major urge to push but couldn’t! My body was ready for that baby to come out! After 2 ½ hours of pushing and a vacuum later (our doctor said he wouldn’t come without it…ha) Trey was finally here. I was so thankful. We had wonderful nurses and we were taken care of so well. I am healing fine and even went on a really long walk the other day, which felt amazing! Since were going to the beach this summer, I’m already motivated to get off this baby weight!!!
Trey is doing great. For the first week or so he was so calm and wonderful. He has been fussy for the past few days, and it is breaking my heart!! When its time to eat, he guzzles down the milk and barely takes a breath in between each swallow, so I think its causing some major gas! He eats too fast just like his dad! He sleeps pretty great through the night though. At about midnight, he’ll go to sleep and wake up if he’s hungry and nurse and then go right back to sleep. He does this a few times and night, but then at about 7 am Robby puts him in bed with me and we have been sleeping in until about 10:30 everyday. I really guess I can’t complain!!! It’s so great to have a baby, but my goodness! It is such hard work. No one really could ever prepare you for what goes on. I think labor was easy…even without the epidural… compared to what goes on at home after the baby comes. Oh how I admire women that do this without a loving husband to help them out. Though it must be nice to some extent. Its so hard when you have baby and a husband both “needing you” in different ways. I feel like a mommy magnet!
It already blows my mind at how quickly he’s changing. He already looks like a little man!
Sweet post Joanna! I love hearing birth stories! I am happy to hear that everything worked out well.
I remember those days of sleeping till 10-10:30! Now it's no such luck.
Trey is such a cutie. I still see Christmas in him.
Thanks for the update.
my face hurts i'm smiling so much.
at this moment i'm typing your email,
and i'm so glad i paused to look at trey's pictures, because if i hadn't, i wouldn't have seen the birth story,
and my email already has about ten questions about everything!
you know me, i love details.
joanna, i miss you so much.
you and your family are in my prayers!
i love you.
so i tried emailing it to the robbyandjoanna one so hopefully that works. though, something weird happened and i'm not sure if all of it got sent...so if it's REALLY long, then it did. but if it's just a paragraph or so...it didn't ha. let me know! love you!
Loved the birth story, especially the water breaking part! I was always so fearful that my water was going to break in front of my first grade students when I was pregnant with Katelyn. Now if it breaks in front of Katelyn this time I will never hear the end of it, "Mommy, pee-pee in her panties."
Glad to hear it all went smoothly and you are feeling good!!
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