I realized something terrible yesterday...could it really be possible that my 4 week old child already has a mullet? Even more so, how is it possible I let this happen?...Now, i'm torn. I want to get rid of it, but I can't cut his hair. He's still so little! I mean, I could probably put it in a ponytail! I've decided to share this with you for a good laugh, but I think that we are going to keep it there a little longer until I don't feel like a terrible mom for getting out the scissors..or am I even more terrible for leaving it? I'm sure all the Christmases will tell me to leave it, (especially Mike) but what's a mom to do? This is so not cool! (He's starting to cry right now...I think he's embarrassed)
Hey, Joanna! We had the same problem with our son's hair. He was born with a headfull and it was getting a little ratty looking. I finally did it---I got the scissors and did a little trimming. I don't count this as his first haircut. When I take him for a professional one, then that will be his first hair cut! Just trim it a little when it's wet.
I vote for a trim. Children look so much nicer when they have a nice trim and no strag-lin hair. I have done the same thing to Margaux. I trim up her straggles every few weeks. Her hair is finally looking good. She has a cute little "bob" in back!
hahah you are too funny girl! i dont think people notice that.. just you as a mom who looks at him constantly. i know i didnt notice :) i mean yea if it gets down the middle of his back of course but he should be ok ha!!!
Your posts ALWAYS give me a good laugh! Knowing the way I am I would probably end up trimming it if it happened to little Zachary when he arrives. Especially if he starts to go bald in the back from rubbing his head when sleeping, etc. Then there would definitely be a mullet!!
haha...i love that you said he was getting embarressed! poor thing.
now I think you are doing the right thing...the mullet is the new shag, and I got three inches of goodness this very moment flowing down the back of my neck to prove it....Well done trey.....well done.
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