Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ok, I Caved...

So I guess I won't wait until Richmond to give everyone an update. Trey is asleep and I'm finally getting a few minutes to sit and relax, though I should be cleaning up the whirlwind of a mess that he left before his nap...Oh well.

It's been so nice to be in Georgia visiting with family. We've spent the first part of our time here with my dad and brothers, and towards the end of next week, we'll head over to Robby's family's house to spend some time with them. It will be wonderful because ALL of the Christmas kids will be home! Teecy is coming home from Taiwan at the beginning of next week. Michael is coming in from Virginia next week and Christy is home for the summer, so it will be really nice to have them all together to see Trey. Teecy and Michael haven't seen him since Christmas, so I know they are going to LOVE their time with him!

Trey is being such a little adventurous ham! My dad is in the process of painting the outside of his house, and Robby was up on a ladder working on some siding, and Trey just started climbing the ladder that Robby was on! What a nut! Luckily my dad was right there to stay behind him incase he fell. He loves to climb on anything and everything and it is wearing me out!!!
He also loves to color! Yesterday, I heard this terrible scratching noise and I just knew he had a fork or something scraping up my dad's hardwood floors...well, I ran in the room to check on him and he was sitting in the middle of a huge peice of paper just going to town, coloring up a storm. I was so relieved that it was the crayon against the paper on the floor I had heard, instead of something else! It was precious.

We are still waiting to hear something about our housing situation. We put an offer in on a foreclosure, and they somewhat accepted it, but then sent it to another department to see if they could do something (I have no idea what the banks do with these houses!) so we have been waiting about two weeks to hear the final word. Grrr...We are just ready to know if we got it, or if we need to move on!

We are still working on raising support, and its going pretty well. We are still a little under what we had hoped for, but we know that we will be taken care of! We are so grateful to all of you who have stepped up to help support us through prayer and through financial giving. Thank you so much for being a part of our team!

I'm sorry I don't have any cute pictures. I keep leaving my camera downstairs and so I haven't been taking any pictures. I'll get some up soon though!


Pam said...

Great to read an update! So glad that you are able to be with family and have such a great time together right now!! I love reading what Trey is up to so I can see where Zachary is headed in the next few months!! Praying for you guys and your transition!

Robby Christmas said...

Great update babe ... you're so sweet. Now you gotta let everyone know WE GOT THE HOUSE! love you, let's go get dessert (to other readers: that's not code, we're actually going out to get some dessert)

Grace said...

Congrats on the house!!!! What a fun feeling! I hope you enjoyed "dessert"...:) I love the update!