Sunday, February 7, 2010

More SNOW!??!

These are all the layers we put on Trey before going out...

Can we say he looks like Ralphie's little brother?

Even though the roads are pretty icy, Robby is convinced that our 4-Runner can handle it! We have had two sick kids this week. GROSS! Mary Grace has a little ear infection and a cough and Trey has had a SUPER bad cough and runny, nasty nose! Trey also has some new teeth coming in and he has had something wrong with his stomach for a few days (I won't go into details..:) So, when he said he wanted to take Trey to a friends house to watch a little of the Super Bowl, I was more than willing to let him go be brave on the icy roads. Actually, I know you are thinking I'm a terrible mother to risk letting my son out there, but the main roads aren't bad at all and those are the only ones he would have to take to get to our friends house!

So here I sit, with Mary Grace asleep and a quiet house. Praise the Lord. I hardly know what to do with myself...

There is a pile of four loads of laundry that need to be folded and put away. There are some dishes that need to be put away and a play room that needs to be cleaned. My business needs some major work, and there are taxes to be done...Nope. I'm just going to sit. It feels so nice.

Here are some pictures of the snow that we've had. I haven't really gotten to go out in it since I've been taking care of the kids, but its fun to watch from a distance. At least I'm staying warm!


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Katie and Jeffrey said...

Katie says: I'm LOL about the "Ralphie's brother" comment. So cute! Glad you're all doing well. We miss you here. Jeffrey says: You should TOTALLY take the 4-runner out.