Thursday, February 21, 2008

I have no idea what I'm doing...

I really don't know what i'm doing, creating this "blog". I don't know anything about it. Mainly this is for Aunt Teecy!! I sure wish she was here to help me with it right now. I'm going to have to just settle for a VERY mediocre blog until she can come here and help me fix it up! For now though, it will have to do. I'm so not ok with that, but I am learning that life is sometimes that way. I never have anything cool to say on these kind of things, and I always feel like a big boring dork, but i'm about to be a mom, and i'm having to face the fact that eventhough I might not have been cool before, I'm really about to become "uncool" while wiping snot and licking my thumb and rubing it on my childs face to get left over food off of. (I think that is incredibly incorrect grammer to have a runon sentence that long...) That is totally what my mom used to do, and I HATED it. I'm ok with that though. I think Robby and I could make it fun!!

I'm getting fairly anxious about having this baby. It's like, I can imagine holding him and having him around, but I just can't for the life of me wrap my head around actually going into labor. I keep thinking "oh man, this might be it..." but then, of course it's not. It's crazy to think that this could go on for another 4 weeks! I'm really hoping its not that long. I'm totally tired of random people that don't know me telling me how huge I am. A lady at a bookstore the other day asked me how much longer I had, and at the time I had 6 weeks, so I said that and she said, "What?!? You aren't due in a week? You're so big! You look so ready..." I'll tell you I was ready... Ready to smack her square between the eyes! I told her she was about the 4th person to say something like that to me, and it was kind of getting old. Then she tried to some how cover up what she said by saying something I completely tuned out. I would say that normally I wouldn't answer someone like that, but I can't promise that. Seriously, for your information what she said is NOT the thing to tell a very pregnant, emotional woman! FYI my doctor says that i'm measuring normal and i'm NOT measuring big.
Is this what blogs are for Teecy? To vent...? If so, i'm loving this! Wait till I vent on all the things that happen to you that your never told about when you get pregnant! Ha... As soon as I can, I will tell you all something worthwhile. Hopefully it will be that I have this adorable little son born, all wrapped up in a precious little onesie. Goodnight.


kirbylee said...

"I'll tell you I was ready... Ready to smack her square between the eyes!"

I LITERALLY laughed out loud when I read that. Thank you. Your blog looks pretty good - it takes a while, but you'll figure stuff out as you go - I still am for sure.

Anonymous said...

i miss you so much.

i came home today, and on my to-do list was to call peggy and ask for your address [literally]. snail mail is so wonderful. i think i'll just call you soon.

you are going to make such a wonderful mother.
i pray for you. and love you.

Teecy said...

i'm lol at the story in this post. i like your writing style.

how do you like the template? i can think of cuter ideas for the title bar but can't figure out how to make it happen. we can mess with it some more later. but, let's try this for a few days.