Actually, it continues...
We had a great little visit from Micheal this week. He and his friend Caleb came through on their way home from New York. Trey really liked Micheal's bright orange knit hat. I think it fit him quite nicely and might just have to get him one!
The weekends are beginning to fill up very quickly. I would give almost anything to have a weekend to go home, but I'm knowing that probably won't happen. I guess I have to accept that. Maybe we can make it home at the end of February for Trey's birthday. Robby and I were looking at our calendars the other day and I told him to look really closely at December. I said, "See how the weekends aren't full now...let's keep it that way!" Our weekends until December are jammed full. All of them. Since there is another little Christmas on the way, I told him we needed a little family time before life changes all over again. He completely agreed. Let's see if we can make that happen....
So this pictures of Trey that you see...well, here's the story. The other night it was really cold and Robby and I wanted to just get under blankets and watch a movie. Trey had gone to bed at 8. By 9, we put in the movie and got situated. About five minutes later, Trey started crying. He doesn't normally cry when he wakes up. So I went in to check on him and he would not go back to sleep. Robby got him and brought him out to watch a little of the movie with us. Apparently Trey loves The Karate Kid. Robby paused it to let me get up and get something and as soon as he did, Trey started to cry. PITIFUL. So, Trey watched the movie with us. We couldn't help it. He stayed lounged back like that in Robby's arms almost the entire movie. Precious little stinkin' booger.
We finally found a Chiropractor here that is really great. Even though I've only been adjusted twice, I already feel a tiny difference. He said he wants to see me no less than twice a week. The Lord is wonderful with his provisions for us. The chiropractor said that a pregnant woman who gets adjusted a good bit before delivery usually has a shorter labor! I'll take that any day!!!
I know I've been slacking on my posts. Sorry. I'll try to work on it :)
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