Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Don't let the bed bugs bite...

This precious little boy...

is being terrorized by these vicious microscopic little bugs...

Boy have we had some issues! Trey apparently is the odd one of the family. No one in our families really has allergies, but Trey seemed to pick them up from somewhere. We definitely have "that kid!" He is highly allergic to peanuts, and we don't give him anything with wheat in it, because we found out that irritates his eczema and makes it worse. So, he's peanut and wheat free. That makes it tough, and expensive!! Most gluten free foods are GROSS, so I have been making him his own kinds of breads and foods with Spelt flour. Its time consuming, but worth it, because it has made SUCH a difference in his skin. Apparently Spelt flour is a lot easier to digest and better for you, so Robby and I have been using it also. Anyway, Trey also tested positive for an allergy to dust mites. I remember having an allergy test when I was younger and testing positive for them also, but I think most people probably are. It wasn't to the point that they were bothering me, so I've never really thought about it.

Well, since we've moved here, there have been some nights when Trey wakes up around midnight coughing like crazy. Uncontrollable, hacking coughs. They last for about 10 minutes, go away for about an hour and come back. Its miserable to listen to him cough like that. Well, I read that sometimes that is because of the dust mites. So, I've often taken all the bedding off his bed and washed it in very hot water. Thats supposed to kill the dust mites. Well, it might work for a night, and then they are back. I thought about a dust mite cover for his bed, but I've been told that if he has a plastic mattress, which he does, that its not needed.

Well, ever since we've been home from the hospital with Mary Grace, Trey has been sleeping in our bed. Yes. Our bed. Which means, my already unproductive night of "sleep" is even lessened by a restless toddler that likes to smack me in the face while he sleeps away throughout the whole night.

My predicament is that sometimes he'll cough in our bed, sometimes he won't. We've tried him on the love seat in the family room, and he'll sometimes sleep through the night, and some times wake up coughing. So, where are the dust mites, and why do they sometimes bother him and sometimes not? So, I've made an appointment with the allergist for this week. We've got to figure this out, and get this boy sleeping in his own bed again SOON!

1 comment:

Pam said...

Praying that you get some answers and some relief for your sweet little man!